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Our Leadership

Board of Student Officers

  1. Bryan Shi (Interlake '23)
  2. Ashwika Sharma (Interlake '25)
    Vice President of Content & Services
  3. James Kim (Skyline '23)
    Vice President of Operations
  4. Harini Thiagarajan (North Creek '24)
    Vice President of Outreach

Board of Senior Directors

  1. Ms. Kathy Shieh (Executive Director)
    Sunny Hills Math Club Coach (2001-2004)
    Skyline Math Club Sponsor
  2. Mr. Evan Shieh
    Co-Founder and Former President, Washington Student Math Association
    Stanford '14
  3. Mr. Austin Davis (Treasurer)
    Co-Founder and Former Vice President of Communications, Washington Student Math Association
    Newport Math Club President (2010-2011)
    Carnegie Mellon '15
  4. Mr. Andrew Li (Secretary)
    Former Vice President of Content Development, Washington Student Math Association
    University of Washington '18
  5. Ms. Laura Hu
    Former Vice President of Services, Washington Student Math Association
    Caltech '21