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In this game, the goal is to create exactly one loop for each puzzle. The numbers in the squares represent the numbers of line segments around those squares. Use these numbers to decide where to connect the dots. An empty square does not imply that there are no line segments around it: as shown in the example below, squares with no numbers may or may not have line segments around them.

Here is an example in which the solution to the puzzle on the left would be the loop shown on the right:

example  solution

Right-clicking on a space will place a red-x on the space. Red x's are used to show where line segments cannot exist, and can help guide you in constructing a solution. They will not affect the validity of the solution, as the compiler ignores them. Here is an example in which red x's were used to help determine where to place or not place lines.


Finally, a point must be connected to either 0 or 2 line segments; that is, the following situations MUST NOT occur at any time:

Disconnected Loop    Point with 3 lines     Point with 4 Lines

incorrect disconnected incorrect 3 lines incorrect 4 lines

If you have any additional questions or would like to contribute any useful strategies, please contact the webmaster.

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